lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

So much to do yet....

This year has run out so fast. I really did a lot of things that I can mention. For example some good things that happend to me this year are:  First I got into a public services for first time. In the middle of this year I got the oportunity to start a pre-practice in the AGCI. This is a public service of Chile, that works in cooperation among the countries of the world and Chile. So I got my pre- practice there and I can say that I have been learning so much about how it´s to work in this type of organization in that makes me really happy.

Something that I did not do so well this year are body excersises. I mean I did not train anything so my  body is asking me for help. I am working really hard at college in my last year, also I have this part time job in AGCI so I did not really have time to do anything else and that is making me really sad.

So my achievements this year basically are in college and at work, but I have serious problems to make it with my personal life, because I almost do not have personal life. Then I have to say that this year I was not much with my family, I did not go much to my town and I did not do much with my friends. My fault, so next year I have to get better on that.

Another important thing that I really have to do this year is to go on vacations. I need some time alone for myself, my boyfriend and my family ,without college, cellphone, internet, and the most important thing I need some time out of Santiago.

The good news is that I am going on vacations this summer. I have plans to go in febrery to Perú with my boyfriend and some friends, and also and January I am going to the beach with my family. What can go wrong when you are on vacations!? so basically I am really happy that the semester is almost over and I am gonna be free....

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