lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

Who is Paula Olmedo?

Hello!! My name is Paula Olmedo Rojas, I´m 23 years old, I live in Santiago and I  love to have fun.
My life is such a normal life, and I love it. I am in my last year of public administration at the University of Chile and I have so much to do every day. 
I live in Santiago for my studies , but I am from Rengo VI region of Chile. Over there is my family and my good friends from school, even my boyfriend, so I travel there almost every weekend. Also because it is only to hours away from Santiago.
Before this year I lived alone in Santiago, but this year my younger brother got into school too, so now he lives with me. We share an apartment in El Llano, San Miguel. Also I have another sister who lives in Valdivia because she goes to the school there. She is studying Biology Marine. Besides I have a dog "Cerec", which  I love. Cerec is a beagle that never stops to do bad things into my house, but everyone at home loves him. 
What I like to do is sports. I dance zumba  regularly and I ride my bike almost every weekend. I love to have ice cream with my friends and to eat Chinese food or sushi with theme too. 
Like every person I have weaknesses, the ones that I can mentioned are to be  to good to eat, to good to sleep and really bad to be on time any place. 
Now, that I am taking Ingles IV at college I expect to get better  in writing and also it would be great if I can speak correctly.  Hope I can learn a lot from my classmates too and do my best  to get good grades to have the final certificate. 

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